Tuesday 12 January 2016


     During this year\s class of Media Studies, we covered and analysed many different things from silent films to music videos to comics. Now of these were better than others, but I guess it can't always be fun. Within this blog I am going to review five topics we studied in this class.

1. The Music Videos

     Personally I love music, I am constantly listening to it, even when I shouldn't in class, oops... Analyzing the music videos we watched within class, then the blog we had to do about it was fun and interesting, before now I never really paid much attention to the music video, I prefer to just listen to the song. You can blame Miley Cyrus for that one. Anyways, some music videos are still good, some follow along with the song, and then there's others that don't go along at all *cough* Miley Cyrus *cough*. It opened my eyes though, because sometimes you may think the song means something, but once you watch the video, and the story line within the video it can give you a completely different concept of what the song could really mean. I  also really enjoyed making my own music video. I used to do them for fun with the Video Star app that I used for the project, so it was nice to use it again for a purpose. Mr.Edwards said it was the hardest options out of the three we were given, but I found it super easy and creative, oh and while I am on that topic, you never did give me the mark for how well I did on that... But I really did enjoy making it, and it was so fun to do so. I think making the music video was my favourite part out of the whole class.

2. The Truman Show

     The Truman Show was a movie about a man inside his own little world (literally) and he is the star of his own reality show, but there is a plot twist. He didn't know he was a star in a reality show, making it a true reality TV show, minus the fact that the entire planet he believes he lives on is fake, minor details though. I believe that this was a good movie and I loved the ending. Truman had the perfect world and it revolved around him. Maybe too perfect because he started having doubts on this place, and wanted to leave the little town he grew up in. No matter how hard the producer tried to stop him from leaving, Truman didn't want to be in this false world anymore. He faced his fear of the water, to try to escape this false reality, and even though he was scared of what was on the outside, he still left. After learning his whole life was a lie, he handled it really well, better than I would. It made for a really interesting movie in my opinion, and a cool sequel would be showing his life in the real world and how he is handling it. It was amusing and funny to watch. This was one of my favourite movies we watched and that I actually paid attention to. Also, I found it inspiring how he faced his fear in order to find the truth about this false world, and how the story looked like he was trying to reconnect with his love that was no longer on the show. The Truman Show was a good movie and something I would watch again out of school.

3. Movie Making

     I really enjoyed making the movies we did in the class. I really do like filming, and being creative with a camera. It's something I enjoy to do in my free time, like the music videos, so doing this movie was a fun way to expand and learn more about about camera angles or shots. Filming has always been a side thing that I have enjoyed, and wanted to do, but never have had time or creative ideas of what to do. So making our silent film was a really cool experience, and a really fun assignment that we did. Other than the silent film I also liked making Shem Lives and Christmas in 310. Those were fun to film and I really liked how they came out. These assignments have really brought me out of my comfort zone. I am not really a group project person, so I thought I wasn't going to like these assignment, but it really surprised me on how much I enjoyed doing all the movies we did as a group.

4. Dating Naked

     This has to be one of the funniest and most disturbing reality TV shows I have to watched. Keep in mind I don't have cable at home and never got the chance to watch Honey Boo Boo. I liked watching the Bachelor, Bachelorette, and the other ones they have came out with, when I had cable, and this reality show was kind of just like it. Except these people weren't dressed, and the dates weren't as bad. I wish we got to watch more of it during this semester because it was funny and amusing. It was a cliche though, with the different clashing personalities and the girls fighting over the 'hotter' guys. You always have the girl who hits on all the guys, the one who drinks way more than they should, the bad boy, the smart one, the dramatic one, and so on. Also how they managed to have their date and not have a clue of what they were going to do, but somehow stumble upon a boat or treasure chest, you could tell how fake it was. It was one of those shows that are so bad, that they are good, and personally I would watch it if I had nothing better to do.

5. Viral Video (Kangaroo - Remi Gaillard)

     Viral Friday was one of my favourite part of this class, and this was one of the first viral videos we watched as a class. This Kangaroo video has honestly been my favourite throughout the whole semester. I thought it was so funny to watch and a really good idea for a video. To see a person dressed up in any costume and do stupid and humorous things would be such a thrill to see in real life. These are my favourite types of videos to watch online, with some guy just doing idiotic things for other peoples humor. Well, minus the people in the video, like the guy who was pushed into the water, or the store owners where he made a mess. All of Remi's videos like this would are also so funny, I also like his Pac-Man video with him being Pac-Man and having the ghosts following him around the mall, but his kangaroo video is definitely my favourite out of all his videos.

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