Wednesday 20 January 2016

Adapting Works to Different Types of Media

     There is many different types of media: movie, books, video games, comics, etc. The two different types of medias I am going to talk about is a book being transformed into a movie. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban was first written as book by J.K. Rowling and was transformed into a movie by the director, Alfonso Cuarón. For the reasons below the book is my favourite, the extra detail within it makes me more interested than the movie, also I am someone who liked details and knowing what the character is thinking, you do not get that when you just watch the movie.

     A difference from the book to the movie, is the fact that they have a different timeline. The director had to change the timeline from J.K Rowling's original idea because the movie would have been super long, and the movie would not have has as much action. Movies are based on action, and not so much detail because then it would not catch the audiences attention and therefore would not be as successful. If the timeline played the same way, they would not have been able to focus on more important points in the plot. The director has to pick and choose from the book, or change some parts in this case. An example is when Harry Potter gets his Fire-bolt. In the book he gets it at Christmas from an anonymous person, which then Professor McGonagall has to take away to search for any bugs. She was required to do this due to the fact that Sirius Black was out to get Harry and the they did not want the broomstick having any dark magic within it that could hurt Harry. He was not allowed to have it until a couple months after Christmas break and when the Professors knew it was safe. In the movie though, Harry gets his broomstick at the very end of the movie. After he learns that Sirius is a free man and was not out to kill Harry. In the package with the broomstick, a feather that gives away that it was from Sirius, and is clearly no harm to Harry, but just a present. Also, the teachers aren't given any alert on it, and it is not taken from Harry. Another timeline mishap was when Mr. Weasley tells Harry about Sirius. In the book, Harry was heading downstairs to grab something for Ron from the kitchen table, and he accidentally eavesdropped on Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. They were discussing how Mr. Weasley wanted to tell Harry about how Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban to go after Harry, but Molly did not want that, because she thought Fudge did not want Harry to know. Though in the movie, Mr. Weasley tells Harry during dinner, and Molly does not seem fazed by it.

     Another difference is how there is more detail within the book. If the director had all the detail from J.K. Rowling's book, the movie would not be as big of a hit as it is. It would be to long, and the audience would not want to sit through a movie that long. This one example that is when Professor Lupin gives Harry the chocolate after the dementor trespasses onto the train while they were on there way to Hogwarts. When he was with the dementor he goes all cold, and feels like he will never be happy again. The dementor sucks all happiness and warmth from him, and everyone around him. In the book, it shows how the chocolate helps him, and when Lupin gives Harry the chocolate it brings back the warmth and happiness. In the movie, no explanation is given, Lupin only says it will make him feel better. It would of been difficult to prove what the chocolate does for Harry in the movie, without someone explaining it using their words. It was more interesting having Lupin just telling him it will make him feel better and leave it at, without dragging it on.

     Lastly, the director cut out some of the scenes that are in the book. Once again, he had to pick and choose what he was going to use from the book. There was only a couple scenes he missed while making the final cut, if he wanted to add every scene from the book and put it in the movie, it may have pleased some Harry Potter fans, but also some may have not liked it due to the fact that it just seems to drag on. One scene they seemed to have missed was when Sirius Black sneaks into the Gryffindor room in the middle of the night. Ron thinks he is trying to attack him because Sirius has a knife, but truthfully he was after Ron's rat Scabbers, who was actually Peter Pettigrew. This scene was one I wanted to see in the movie, but it changed from J.K. Rowling's original idea to Sirius Black almost getting into the Gryffindor room and causing the school to go in a lock down in order to search for him. This was more suspenseful and entertaining, therefore the director changed it to this idea instead of what J.K. Rowling had in the book.

     The director had to make some scenes different or even change the plot a little from what J.K. Rowling's original idea in order to make the movie just as interesting as the book. The transformation from the book to the movie did change it, only because if they did not change some things within the book, the movie would be six hours long. Even though J.K. Rowling's ideas were still present within the movie, only a few things were done differently, such as the timeline, and missing details.

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