Friday 25 September 2015

Media Profile

Media Profile
Kendra Hunks

     Media is taking over our lives. To some people, they can't live without knowing how many followers they have on Twitter, or seeing what Tyler Oakley is up to. To others, it doesn't matter to them, that part just doesn't appeal to them. To me, media is somewhat important in my life. I do have social media, and I do look at them, to see whats going on around me, but I keep myself on only a few social medias though, like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube. YouTube would be where I spend most of  my time, and if I am on Instagram or Snapchat I will be seeing what my favourite YouTuber's are up to. When my friends ask me, have I heard Justin Bieber's newest song, or have I see Harry Styles newest hair cut, I am usually one of the last to know. It's not something I rely on, I would choose over reading a book, or hanging out with friends, over staying inside on my computer all day.

     YouTube is by far my favourite source of media. It's important to me because it can make me feel like I am part of something more, YouTuber's they are more like friends then famous people, because you can see more into there life, and what they are willing to share. They also want to know about us, and try to talk to us, I feel so happy when I get a reply from one of my favourite YouTuber's. They
Tiffany Alvord replied to me on her I will never let you down Cover
also aren't that different from us, and you get to see that. It's like we are one big family, the YouTuber and their fans.

     Moving onto something else. My thoughts on modern popular culture. Generations have changed from what is was 10 years ago. The social media websites, and how many there are. Back then you had Myspace, Hotmail, and Facebook. Now you have Instagram, Snapchat,, and many more that is makes it hard to keep track of. The generations have changed, we have gone down hill, nowadays the popular songs are about sex, alcohol or  drugs. It makes us teenagers seem bad, it is giving us a bad name, considering most songs are targeted to us. When older people hear something like that, they think bad about this generation of teens. Now some teens may disagree,  but most adults when they think about our generation and what we listen to, they will more and likely think about the explicit songs over anything else. It's somewhat stereotyping us, and making it seem like all we care about is partying and having a good time. In this picture of Miley Cyrus, she is wearing a shirt about sex, drugs and rap, by teens liking that picture, and it becoming popular, it can show that we like that kind of things, and are supporting Miley as she does bad things. 
Not all of us are like this though, but since a large group of teens like these things, we all get pulled into that one title. 

     Continuing on with that do you believe that this is accurate? How we are portrayed in the media? Is it giving us a good name, or a bad one? Now this can go many ways, because there are shows and songs that do disagree with that and show that us teen aren't all about the partying, but what is more popular? Miley Cyrus doing drugs and singing a song about it, or a song by Taylor Swift who is singing about one of her ex boyfriends. Most people would talk about Miley Cyrus, and us teens we
talk about it, like it, and share it. Which it then seems like we do drugs, or are into partying and twerking. Also once Miley Cyrus made twerking popular, teens seemed to follow in her foot steps by posting videos of themselves twerking online. This all makes adults stereotype us and believe we are all just people who want to party, and find a good time. So lastly, I believe it gives us all a bad name, and we are portrayed negatively in the media. Even though some teenagers are like that not all of us are. 

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